Thursday, November 18, 2004

Wife of Judes

Ok so I was wondering what peoples thoughts where on Judas having a been married.
Would he have killed himself if he had been?
If he did, then did any one weep with her over his death?
Did anyone weep for her?

It is not known if the apostles where married or not. Some scholars have thought that maybe Paul (at least at some point) had a wife and children. If you read some of his letters in acts he seems to write to John’s wife and children. Wither that was the apostle John no one is sure. In our religion we know that marriage is an eternal principal. This leads me to the idea that the prophets may have been married. Does it matter? Not really. Will it affect my progress? Nope. Is it something to talk about? Yes. I do how ever think allot about Judas. I think about different aspect of his life and what will become of him.


At 11/18/2004 05:03:00 PM,

You may be right. What if Judas needed the money for his family? That might really change the way we look at him...


Posted by Han

At 11/18/2004 06:05:00 PM,

I have almost no doubt that all the past prophets and apostles, including Jesus (this is just opinion, OK?) was married. I leave it at that and don't think about it ever.

I mean, how does that directly affect my life? In no way whatsoever. I'd rather think about kissing boys... =)  

Posted by Faye

At 11/18/2004 06:13:00 PM,

Judas was a tragic character. One of the Lord's trusted, closest Twelve Apostles. It seems logical for him to have a wife who loved him deeply. As others have stated previously, including you Judge, that it is an eternal principle, which would then lead us to assume Judas and the rest were married. Judas, though, if he were married, would probably have been mourned over by his wife. In fact, I like to think that Judas' family, his siblings, parents, cousins and so on, were there with her mourning his decision and celebrating the good things of his life. 

Posted by Amanda

At 11/19/2004 08:08:00 AM,

I've also heard Fei's theory on Jesus being married. I don't know if I disagree or not. I have heard it guessed that Mary Magdeline (don't check my spelling) might have been his wife. Why appear to Mary first if not his wife? But again, don't know, not neccisary for salvation, but an interesting thought. 

Posted by Jared

At 11/19/2004 09:53:00 AM,

Judas is not someone that I really think about much. In Acts he is reffered to as the Son of Perdition who was lost. Was Jesus married? On some days I think that he was, but other days I am just not quite sure because there is little written on the topic that I know of. But if there were a book that discussed it, I would probably look over that section. Right now, Chad Phares is my concern.  

Posted by Rusch

At 11/19/2004 12:46:00 PM,

I'm with Fei, in my opinion Jesus was married because marriage is essential for exaltation. Jesus was the greatest example for us in our lives and he was even baptised to provide the example for us when he didn't need to be. So I'm sure that at some time (in this life or the next, I'm not sure how marriage works in the next life) Jesus was and is married. If it was during his earthly ministry that he was married then I think the reason it wasn't widely publicised was for the same reason our Heavenly mother is not widely publicised, to shield and protect her.

And Stuff,

Posted by Vasu "Blink" Chetty aka Sydney

At 11/19/2004 07:57:00 PM,

Is this pertient to my salvation? These are all the kind of question sunday school teacher's hate to get. like does adam have a belly 'button? How did noah manage to keep just two bunnies on the ark? etc...
All I know is I have enough trouble keeping my own life straight to think about bunnies. Though there are amusing. 

Posted by Erika

At 11/19/2004 08:13:00 PM,

AMEN, Erika!

We often love to romanticize the bible, contemplating if Jesus was married, how he had treated his wife/ children, contemplate the grief of Judas' family, etc. It's like we're looking at the scripture for signs of humanity as we know it today, dramatizing history so it's more interesting. You know, kind of like throwing Jack and Rose into the Titanic story, or what they did with Pearl Harbor and such. We want ROMANCE. LOVE.

Where the Bible does teach about love and how you treat your spouse is important, when we do such things, we stray from the true teachings of that book. It's great to be able to relate, but we need to remember that things were different then. We can't fully understand what it was like to be married in those days - perhaps even to multiple wives. Or what the mourning/grieving process was like. Of course, emotions existed then too, we just don't know how they were expressed.

There are much more important things to speculate on. I'd say do that and avoid blasphemy.

Ok, Shem, you can have your soap box back now.  

Posted by Faye

At 11/20/2004 11:41:00 AM,

I'm with Fei on the multiple wives thing. My favorite discussion on my mission was the seventh: "Eternal Palygomy". It usually went over well. 

Posted by Jared

At 11/22/2004 05:25:00 PM,

Maybe don't speculate. It really is harmless if you don't take it seriously, but if you make it a habit it leads you away from what's really important, which would lead to my sermon on why I don't like Utah. So we're stopping there before I start hopping up and down on my soap box and it breaks. And someone get Jared a freakin' spellchecker. Sorry, that wasn't me, it was Strong Bad.  

Posted by Anonymous

At 11/22/2004 05:38:00 PM,

Thanks for pointing it out - it made me cringe too. I can correct posts (I'm thinking I should, discretely, so I don't offend anyone) but I can't edit the comments. *sigh* Haloscan was cool that way...  

Posted by Faye

At 11/22/2004 05:40:00 PM,

Of course, Haloscan also allowed me to check for IP addresses so I could sort of identify "Anonymous" comments which nobody likes to get.

However, Haloscan doesn't let you keep your comments for longer than 4 months. Crap. You just can't have your cake and eat it as well, huh?  

Posted by Faye


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