Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Medidations on Fall Ball

Dating for fun. That is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. First of all dating is not fun, it never has been, nor ever will be. It can be rewarding, the reward being getting married, but I would not call it fun. Formal dances can be fun, but at this age and stage of my life, I would rather go with a significant female other instead of with just a friend to have a good time.

When you go with a friend just for fun the odds are 122,222,333,200 to one, that you will still be friends. Your relationship has not been enhanced any, and you are no better off for having gone with a friend. On the other had, going with someone that you have a relationship with is much more fun because if all goes well, the night can enhance your relationship and the two of you have made a memory that you can look back on for years to come.

Dating for fun should really be classified as hanging out. Hanging out really gets you nowhere fast. I have been to nowhere and there is not much to see or do, although there is this place that serves great omelets and pie. But beware! too many omelets can put your cholesterol through the roof.

Having said this, I probably not go to the ball. I would go if there were a special someone other then myself in my life. But until then, you can find me at the movies.


At 11/16/2004 04:26:00 PM,

Hey, maybe we'll catch each other at the movies. Though I am prone to lock myself in my room or some other building with free internet and veg out to movies or killing fictional people online. Either way, I would prefer those to a painful date that only causes more confusion in a fairly complex life. 

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Posted by tizza

At 11/16/2004 06:06:00 PM,

Well, Chris, I couldn't agree with you more! And I can only eat so many omlets before I get sick. I'd go with you, but that might lead you on - don't want to do that.

I have yet to really be the one to ask a girl to any school dance of the "dress up" nature. I was close once with Fei, but we didn't and were on the verge of breaking up when the dance came. If I had stayed with Anna a bit longer I would have. I think I'll again not plan on going. If I have a nice young lady ask me, sure I'll go. Otherwise, you might see me at the end of a noose...or a movie, either way. 

Posted by Jared

At 11/16/2004 06:09:00 PM,

Hi Tizza

And anyways, in the words of Shem "Holy crap and a half" there is some bitterness in the air. Can you taste it? Going to the movies is fun but people do that every weekend. If a friend is only someone you go to the movies with maybe you need to look at how you treat your friends. Yeah school dances at our age for the most part is like the bale or opera. Guys don't really like to go but the girls do. Most guys think that sense they don't got a girl then there off the hook, yet if you really are friends with someone and they want to go. Then what kind of a friend are you. Just suck it up for one night and try to make a difference to someone else.  

Posted by judgewhetten

At 11/18/2004 02:35:00 AM,

I agree Whettenman. 

Posted by Hewy

At 11/21/2004 01:53:00 PM,

Gah! Just stuff me in a cannon and aim it straight down to hell cuz something tells me I'm not gonna follow the rules of eternal marriage cuz i'm not even gonna bother goin on another painful date!

Seriously... I am bitter and like Jared said, I'm not going anywhere unless a girl says something to me.

Getting past the fear of rejection was enough to ask her to the dance. Getting to the actual dance was more than enough effort on my part. Some people didn't even get that far. Surviving the whole complex social ordeal that goes on durring and after the dance is far beyond me. Done it before but failed somewhere along the lines.

I wish I could agree with judge, but man, its easier said than done.

You call me bitter? I'm just lazy, and you know what they say about the seven deadly sins... Sloth is one of them and I'm wayyyyy guilty off that.

I guess I have some serious repenting to do in the part of trying again and baring the pain of failure, should it ever happen... 

Posted by Elton "Hawaiian Cow"




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