Sunday, November 14, 2004

Come one come all...

After reading my blog post “Go Home, Ha’ole…”, JD started to think about who came to this school and why. We began to talk about it. Chris Rusch who will be a contributor to this blog soon wrote a good post about it and will add it soon.

I think this topic is a no brainer for most of the IWES (International Work Experience Scholarship) students. They don’t have a ton of choices that are affordable and preferable. The scholarship is good and it’s a chance to see America (if you count Hawaii as part of it). This is especially the case for the members of the church in Polynesia and Asia. But what of the white folk from Utah? What brings them here?

As for me, I think it is clear that having served a mission here I have a fondness for the islands in my heart. When I came back to Arizona after my mission, I was quickly submerged in work and school. I was busy, fast. I was in plays, I was in institute videos. I was in my elder’s quorum presidency. I was getting recognized as that guy on KFYI. I had some good friends. I had enough money for what I really wanted. I had a car. I didn’t have too much happiness. I know, it’s a choice, but I was in a big ole’ rut.

My sister LaDawn, part time counselor full time psychic for me, was listening to me gripe and recommended to me I should get away. If I ever wanted to go to Hawaii again, it was my time to do it. So I prayed about it and here I am. I don’t think twice about my need to be here. But I do wonder about others. What in the world possesses these bleach blonde carbon copy girls from Provo to come here? I hope it’s not all about coming here to play. I get the feeling it is and the same goes for the shaggy dirty shampo-comercial-reject looking deadbeats from the same area.

When talking with some, they all seem to have a good story or one better than mine.

What brings you here?

Poll created and posted by Faye.


At 11/15/2004 02:24:00 AM,

We had a discussion about why we were here last Sunday in Relief Society. I was very disappointed to hear how so many people were either coerced or bribed by their parents to attend a church school. Could it be more obvious why they would choose this one?

The reason why I chose to come to BYU-Hawaii was because this is a church school. The only time I've ever been in a LDS-majority environment was once a year during youth conference/single adult convention. My first few weeks of school here, I kept feeling like that's what I was at. Others felt like they were at the MTC - especially on Sundays.

My original plan was to start school here and then transfer to the other BYUs. The only reason why I came to Hawaii, at first, was because it was cheaper more catered towads International students (my parents felt safer sending me here), easier to get into (for us, anyway), the classes are smaller so I figured it'd be a good way to start, and it was the norm - all the faithful youth in Malaysia go to BYU Hawaii. It's just the thing to do.

I had wanted to fight the norm, come here for a year and then spend the rest of my time at the other BYUs because I wanted to be around the Haole's. I was afraid that I would be obligated to have Malaysian friends if I was here. I wanted to be on my own, to do something different from other Malaysians, and have a change in climate.

Well, a month after I came here, I fell in love with this place and now I plan to graduate from here. I learned to appreciate my culture and even though I have mostly Haole friends, I love having many people from home around to keep the familiarity. I like the slight change in temperature here (I got cold in the Summer!) and no longer have the desire to live in a place where it snows. I have discovered that I enjoy being warm. Utah and Idaho would be the worst thing to do to myself. The classes are small and cozy, just the way I like them.

Academically, Provo would probably be the better option, but this is where I need to be. After I graduate from here, I will still need to pursue a Master's degree. At that point I will uproot myself and find a new place to call home. BYU is in view.

Many other people say they chose BYU-Hawaii for the diversity. Those are the people who have got it right on. The cozy environment and close interraction between cultures is the ultimate learning experience here at BYU-Hawaii.

Then again, not everyone gets the chance to experience it. Many of those who visit this place because of the beach and the sun bring their own friends along with them and don't get the interraction with other cultures - unless of course it's with the hot browned-skinned men. That's a different story altogether.

I think it's a pity that so many people come here for the wrong reason. I've learned that many International students really chose to be here. I am biased, of course, but I think that the University has a point in only allowing so many students from the Mainland into this school. We have way too many people who don't deserve to be here as it is.

Zion is the pure in heart. I think we need more of that here.  

Posted by Faye

At 11/15/2004 10:23:00 AM,

Ya, I'm from the mainland, but I can see why too many of them are undesireable. 

Posted by Jared




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