Monday, November 15, 2004

Dig down deep and find your inner masochist

I believe we all have little one some where in us. There is something that most people find unpleasant or even painful, that other find enjoyable. The real question is what is yours.

I got two that I know pretty well.
1. When I do something active (wither it be the gym, rock climbing, or running) if I am able to push myself to the point where I want to cry.
2. I know it's sick but I like being shot down by attractive women that I don't know.

So what's yours?


At 11/16/2004 12:34:00 PM,

Little one? Little one what? A little one Leprachan? A little one scoop of ice cream? A little one armed man that may kill my non-existant wife? I hope its the Leprachan because then cereal, YUM! 

Posted by Becky (formerly known as a BYUH student)

At 11/16/2004 01:13:00 PM,

1) Listening to loud music to my ears go numb and I can't hear properly.
2) Getting injured in soccer, but not enough to stop me from playing.
3) Playing video games and getting my booty served to me on a platter by hot chicks =P.

Go the little Leprechauns. 

Posted by Vasu "Blink" Chetty aka Sydney

At 11/16/2004 03:09:00 PM,

1) Watching sad drepressing movies and listening to songs that make me cry.

2) Keeping my contacts in for 2 weeks straight till they suck onto my eyeballs.

3) Staying up nerding all night and having to smile at a whole bunch of tourist the next day.

4) I don't like being shot down, but I do enjoy the agony of not knowing how to act around someone you like, or if he likes you back... oh, it's so FUN!

Still, with all the stupid stuff we do, I don't think it's really masochism we're talking about there. Ok, with some things, we actually enjoy the pain we're feeling, but most of the time we just enjoy doing something we know will bring pain later but think it's worth it so we put ourselves through it over and over again.  

Posted by Faye

At 11/16/2004 06:10:00 PM,

I hate being shot down, mainly due to the familiarity of it.

1. I agree with Faye about the sad movies and songs.

2. Loosing sleep to work on some meaningless project on my computer.

3. Blogging when I know I should be doing something else, like homework... 

Posted by Jared




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