Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A wish to build a dream on

Ok people Three wishes.

1. No more wishing for wishes
2. World peace not going to happen, don't bother
3. Let's keep this out of the love zone (how ever you take that then that's what I mean)
4. No army's of sick sadistic crazy crack monkeys in velvet robes ok. We all know that every one would go for this one first no use saying it


At 11/18/2004 08:39:00 AM,

1. I wish that I knew the Spanish language with perfect clarity without ever having to actually learn it.
2. I wish that I will again be able to meet James Marsters and person and perhaps have a sordid love afair (oops is that against the rules?)
3. I wish for a cure for cancer because ya gotta have that. 

Posted by Becky (formerly known as a BYUH student)

At 11/18/2004 02:19:00 PM,

1) I wish that eating and sleeping would not be necessities and we could just do it for pleasure, yet still be important enough that it is mandate to schedule time for it in our daily schedule. I'm not sure that I want the norm to change from 40 hour weeks at work to like uhm 100-hour weeks because we don't need sleep. And I wouldn't survive without my lunch break

2) I wish that I could speak & understand kitten. Maybe they'd trust me more when I try to rescue them.

3) I wish that we could all teleport. That way I could commute to BYU-Hawaii from home and long-distance relationships will become non-existant.

4) I wish I had thought to wish for money or something first...  

Posted by Faye

At 11/18/2004 06:05:00 PM,

1) I wish for my very own, private wildlife reserve so I can daily enjoy the simple pleasures of animals.
2) I wish for life to be a musical so that people's moods can be easily known to those around them... a short cut to world peace ;)
3) I wish that men and women could come to an understanding of the minds and there will be no more confusion between the genders.

PS I wish for more wishes, teehee... :D 

Posted by Amanda

At 11/18/2004 06:21:00 PM,

Ooh. I'd be great if people really just burst out in song in real life - just like they do in the musicals. There will be foreshadowing and mood music going on in the background too.  

Posted by Faye

At 11/19/2004 11:11:00 AM,

1. I wish that I would get into allot of dramitic random kung fu fights.

2. I wish there was background music for life. And that people would breck into musicals.

3. The super powers, and crimals to fight them with. 

Posted by Judge Of the Whettens

At 11/19/2004 08:51:00 PM,

Hey, you plagarized my wish! Isn't that against the honor code?  

Posted by Faye

At 11/20/2004 12:52:00 AM,

Fei, I think Judge took one of my wishes luv. Not that I mind cuz the more people wishing for life to become a musical, the better chance there is of it really happening. And, if this comment is retarded, it's because of an all day headache and the inability to sleep because of it. 

Posted by Amanda

At 11/21/2004 01:07:00 PM,

What? No guys making wishes for war and what not? I always thought that life in "The Matrix" would be kinda cool. Your wired in to a huge video game and don't even know it. In real life you don't have to eat and your always sleeping. Unfortunately, the byproducts of all your actions inside the matrix become your ultimate demise in one way or another. Hmmm... I was about to wish for a matrix, but maybe that would be a bad wish.

1. I wish I was wired in to a video game and never had to eat because food would be pumped in to me while i play and would always be sleeping while playing in this fiction world. There needs to be other people connected to it so you can all challenge each other and just do anything you want. You can change the video game like changing a TV chanel, vote on all the rules and agree to it, and when you kill someone else in the game, instead of killing them in real life, they wake up and get dumped in to a dunking tank. A humiliating end until they climb out and get back in to the game, at which point you say to them, "PWNED!"

2. Food still needs to exist! I just want to be able to be nurished while playing the game. I wish all food tasted good and was never bad for you. JUNK FOOD ALL THE WAY!

3. Money? Why wish for a lot of money? I would wish for cold fusion and the knowledge and ability to create energy from nothing and also the knowledge to convert energy to mass and mass to energy and break all laws of the conservation of mass and energy. While I'm at it, may as well break the laws of gravity too =) 

Posted by Elton "Hawaiian Cow"

At 11/22/2004 08:05:00 PM,

Ok I am chaging one of my wishes.

I wish people would stop talking about "The Matrix" 

Posted by JudgeWhetten

At 11/23/2004 03:20:00 PM,

1. That people couldn't fall into comas. That they would either live or die, but not a coma

2. I wish I was a really good singer

3. I wish I was 2 years older....maybe. On second thought, I would probably miss those years. I wish my room would stay tidy all by itself! 

Posted by Rosie




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