Monday, January 10, 2005

Death Of The Norm

So I have just recently given in to my past feud with France. I don't think France ever knew or would have even cared, but it is still over. I have had a long feud with them for many reasons. I how ever have just begun to believe that some people from France can be ok people. The one that changed my mind is one Michel De Montaigne.
What does this have to do with you? Well the winter break is a long time and many things have happened to all of us. Our outlook's on things have changed for better or for worst. Things are different, but what things hae changed? This is where you come in.

What outlook or point of view has changed for you in the past couple weeks?

"It pleases me as much to doubt as to know." - Dante, Inferno, XI, 93.


At 1/10/2005 12:55:00 PM,

No one seems to read this thing anymore but I still don't care. I have thought of another one that has change, but I can't say just when.

I use to think almost only about the past. What I did wrong, how I would have done it differently, things I would have changed, and people I could have helped. I find myself never looking back wishing I was there. I find myself now looking into the future. Hoping I am doing what I need to today, to be what I want to be tomorrow.  

Posted by JudgeWhetten

At 1/10/2005 02:25:00 PM,

I read it...I just don't know what to say... 

Posted by Jared

At 1/10/2005 03:35:00 PM,

At least you are here. I think most of our friends are dead. 

Posted by Judge Whetten

At 1/10/2005 03:44:00 PM,

hey i'm not dead!!

Posted by capt caf

At 1/10/2005 08:25:00 PM,

My outlook about my life now is slightly different. While I've always enjoyed college and learning, I'm now focussing more on the future, and my options: i.e. Grad school.

Whereas before, the here and now really mattered (I want a boyfriend NOW and I want to have fun NOW), my attention has turned to the long term.

I hope that means that I've matured a little or something. 

Posted by Faye

At 1/10/2005 09:42:00 PM,

My most recent point of view has just happened in the last week, and you can read more about it on my blog.

I have been reading a book called Soul of a Citizen by Paul Rogat Loeb. It tells all sorts of stories about ordinary people just like us who have made changes in their community or in the world.

I never saw myself as a powerful person, but lately I can see that I can make changes too.

When Jesus was on the Earth, he was just like us, in the scense that He had human frailties too. He needed to eat, he needed to sleep. He wasn't superhuman, yet he still changed the world as we know it, and blessed the lives of many people. He didn't give up.

Other people who were not superhumans, but changed the world were Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. Both stood up for themselves and their people. King was a great speaker and leader. Even before the bus incident, Parks was an activist for human rights, so she wasn't only someone who ended up on a bus in the wrong seat. She worked to change her environment, and so can we. Even on this campus. Speak up if you feel that there is a problem. You may be the one to change it.

I like this quote:
"The difficult- I'll do right now. The impossible- will take a little while."
-sung by Billie Holiday; lyric by Bob Russell

Posted by momma jolley

At 1/12/2005 05:33:00 PM,

I am always relearning stuff.

I see or hear something that speaks truth to my heart and I know that this is a better way to live. Then I forget that and it takes some time for me to remember.

One thing I have realized after going back to Saipan for the break is that the world is a big place (not Saipan though) with even bigger people. People that matter or people that CAN matter. Most people just get left in the dust.

The worst part is that they don't know enough to care. 

Posted by a man from Saipan

At 1/13/2005 04:02:00 PM,

Yeah, people suck. 

Posted by Judge Whetten




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