Sunday, February 06, 2005

Calling all Bloggers.

A group of undergraduate students in Singapore are conducting a survey about blogging and ethics. I filled one out after receiving an invitation in my email. It didn't take me long and it helped me learn just a little more about me.

I encourage everyone to take this survey because:

1) As a fan of blogging, I am extremely pleased that it has made it into college research. A sign that it has been validated.

2) I personally would like to know how people's perspectives differ from culture to culture - and I know they would appreciate having opinions from my diverse social group.

3) This research is done so close to home - on a topic so close to home - that I feel obligated to support it. You should too. You might even gain more brain cells in the process (insert disclaimer here).

4) Because blogging is not geeky enough - you need to take a survey about it.

What are you doing still reading this? Take the survey here.


At 2/06/2005 05:39:00 AM,

Been there, done there! Awesome survey. I encourage all to try it too! 

Posted by Han

At 2/06/2005 05:40:00 AM,

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 2/06/2005 05:40:00 AM,

Been there, done there! Awesome survey. I encourage all to try it too! 

Posted by Han

At 2/06/2005 05:41:00 AM,

Oops.. sorry about the comments... my computer is lagging! 

Posted by Han

At 2/12/2005 02:46:00 AM,

Just testing the updated comments hack. It seems to work fine. Hurrah!!! Yay for awesome geniouses who don't charge.  

Posted by Faye




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